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Development Services

Horton's Addn Block 305

HORTON'S ADDN BLOCK 305.tif HOR'l'OB'S ADDITION BLOCK 305 \l Lots K & L- Granted toEd Jacobson to build 3 stwo story apt courts to tile p.1. on 6tn Ave. Res. 548o4 9-22-30 Lots E,F,I & N25' of H- Permit DENIED to Southland Savings & Loan Assn to use parcel for parking lot as accessory use to commcl bldg in tile C zone on adj lots, 2626 6th Ave., 75' N of Maple St. Zone R-4. C-75o8 12-20-65 ABOVE CASE- APPEALED- BZA DENIED 1-24-66,Uts E & F- Permit to Paul Mirabile, Owner & Big Bear Supennarket #3, Inc. Lessee, to const, comm mkt obs. O'rear yd where 10' req when rear yd abuts res zone, at 26oO Block, 5th Ave.- NE cor at inter with Maple St., C Zone. C-10882 N.H. 11-12-71----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- to Richard Silberman... Lot "J"- Permit to constr 3-story SFD to obs (I) 3 1 611- 4' inter side yd where 7' 1s reEj; (2) 8 1 rear yd where 18' is req; & (3) to erect 8 1 high sol id fence where max 6 1 high fenc is perm in 18' rear yd & 7' side yd, at 2630- 6th Ave., Zone R-4. '-~ ~- 7-77 C-13,884 I0-4-76------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot J- Variance request of Horace A. & Theresa Vasquez to construct a 3-story, mixed-use bldg to observe (1) a 7'-0" rear yard and (2) to establish a parking space observing a 0'-0" front yar~at 2630- 6th Avenue, R-400 zone, Airport Approach Overlay zone is denied as requestec but approved a min. 10'-0'', Max 15'-0'' rear yrd; item 2 denied, subject to conditions. C-19845 05/27/88