Horton's Addn Block 306
HORTON'S ADDN BLOCK 306.tif HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCJ 3o6 Ca~(~ Lots A-L- Perm.it to St. Paul's Episcopal Cnurcn to const 327 seat addn to exist sanctuary with 36 usable parking spaces to be provided wbere 66 are req on 6th Ave. betw Butmeg & Maple Sta., Zone C (A-f) & R-4 (G-L) condl 6 mos ext to exp 12-30-64 6 mos ext to exp 6-30-65 6 mos to exp 12-30-65 (6-16-65) l yr ext to expire 12-30-66 (12-2-65) l yr ext to exp 12-30-67 c-6182 12-30-63 Lota A-L- Permit to Parisb of St. Paul to const new building to observe 13 16" front yd on 6th Ave. wnere 15' front yd is req. c-8328 9-7-67