Horton's Addn Block 308 Card 3
HORTON'S ADDN BLOCK 308 CARD 3.tif HORTONS ADDITION j,Lot L & of Lot K robserving a O'rear BLOCK 308- Permit DENIED BY ZA to JAMES BORDEN, M,D. to constr. yd. where a 15' rear yd. is required at 2772 4th Ave., C-17637 ~ f(, a 20 1 x 36'deck Zone CN. 5/21/82 Por Lots B & K & all of Lots C & J- ZA DENIED request of SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY to constr. 2nd story addn. to existing office bldg. 1) resulting in a F.A.R. o 1.15 where 1.0 is the max. allowable; & 2) observing a 0 1 rear yd. where a 15' rear yd. is reqd., providing no addnl. parking where 8 addnl. parking spaces would be reqd. at 2750 4th Ave., Zones R-600 & CN. C-18960 10/4/85 APPEALED TO BZA on 11/20/85- BZA overturned ZA's decision & APPROVED request. S. 1/2 Lot B, all of Lots C & J, s. 1/2 Lot K- Lot Tie Agreement to San Diego Water Authority to hold all lots in common perpetuity for use by San Diego County Water Authority, at 2750 Fourth Avenue, C-18960. L TC #3 2 1/10 / 8 6