Horton's Addn Block 320 Card 1
HORTON'S ADDN BLOCK 320 CARD 1.tif HORTOR'S ADDI'l'ION BLOCK 320 Por Lots A-D lying Wly of R. Arroyo Dr.- Permit to Anna R Venton, own & 'l'bos R. & Elaine F. Newsom, purcn to const res & detached gar wi tll 5' SB (15' req) the gar to nave O' SB on Curlew St. cor of N. Arroyo Dr. Res. 8852 4-13-55 Lot L- Neil Nettleship perm.it to conat sin fam dwell; const sin fam dwell obs 10' SB (15' req) on Lot K & por Lot B, east of Arroyo Dr; & const sin fam dwell obs 10' SB on Lot J & por Lot C, W side of Brant St., betw Palm & Olive Sta. R-1 Zone. c-2438 4-17-59 AMEND to permit sin fam dwell on Lot L to obs 10' SB same as granted other rreidences. 7-6-59 Exteod for 6 mos to exp 4-22-60 end ext to expire 10-22-60 Final ext 6 mos Lot K & por Lot B, 'l'llomas Anbeier, own to expire 4-22-61, to const sin fam res obs 10' SB on W side of Brant (15' req) R-1. Lot L- Dr. Wm. E. & Sue Schiefer req permission to convert exist lower room of exist sin fam res to recreation roomwitll bar sink, recreation room has no access from interior of dwell aod bas agreed taat recreation room will be used only by members of tne family of ~ests, no kitchen applicanes will be installed aod it will never be used as a rental or a separate dwell at 2851 Arroyo Dr., Zone R-1-5, Rax.Lot K &_______________________________..A:1~12-----4-aQ-e,----------cot-~---Jeffrey & Joyce M. Stewart to allow I parking space to obs 12' front yd where 15' is min req, at 2868 Brant St. C-13946 10-6-76