Horton's Addn. Block 334
HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 334.tif HORTON 1S ADDITION B[OCK 344' Lot E- Permit to Moran Const Co to erect triplex withe 12 1 SB on W side Reynar y,\(~ a rox 250 1 S of Redwood St Res 7213 3/4/53 Lot F- Permit to Moran Const Co to erect triplex with ' S on W side Reynard Way, appro 300' S of Redwood St Res 7212 3/4/53 Lot E- Permit to Moran Construction Co to construct sin fam res with 5 1 SB on Reynard Way S of Redwood St Zone R-4 Res 8964 6/8/55 Lots A & B- Permit (CUP) to Southland Corporation to const and operate a gasoline sales facility at the southwest corner of Redwood Street and Reynard Way and Por of Falcon Street previously closed. C-lS Zone. 521-PC. 3-29-78.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------