Horton's Addn. Block 336
HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 336.tif HORTON 1S ADDITION BLOCK 336 ~\(I.\ Lots G & H & Palm & Albatross Sts closed adj- Condi permit to Mr & Mrs Wall Wa~ter to canst sin fam res & att gar obs 4 1 SB on Albatross St, ofl,tfJ totbf0Pelm & atross R-1 Case 809 10/15/56 Lots G & H- Permit to Wallace A Walter to canst 5 16"x7' bath addn to exist single fam residence, addn to obs 6 1 side yd from south prop 1 ine where a 12' side yd is req (See Case 809) on Palm NW cor & Albatross Sts, Palm & Albatross Sts clsd adj at 2910 Albatross St Zone R-1-5 Case 7117 5/14/65 Lots H & G- ZA APPROVED with conditions the variance sought by Barry E. Tobias to construct a one-story addition to a single family dwelling to observe a 10'0" front yard where 25'0" is required (existing dwelling observes a 10'0" front yard), located at 2910 Albatross Street, Rl-5000 and Rl-20,000 zones, Hillside Review Overlay Zone. C-20374 9-1-89 l:8tsJ