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Development Services

Horton's Addn. Block 355

HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 355.tif HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 355 Lots J-K- Private garage to the PL on 6th Ave granted to Allen S Klauber I G, Res 61557 4/16/34 N of Lot H & all of I- Permit to harold J Packer to erect a 12 unit apart bldg with 112 sg ft {1-'/o) excess coverage in 3000 block on 6th Ave Res 1114 9/27/45 N of Lot H & all of I- Amends Res 1114 and Permits Harold J Packer to erect a 12 unit apart bldg with 260 sq ft (3%) excess coverage in 3000 block of 6th Ave Res 1155 10/25/45 N of Lot Hand all of Lot I- DENIED permit to Harold J Packer to erect a neon sign 4 1 x2 1 & 1 in front of SB line on 4 1 pipe 3030 6th Ave sign to extend over public prop approx3' Res 1854 11/7/46 Lot G & South of Lot H- Application withdrawn at public hearing on 4/25/80. CJ6680-----------------------'- Lots J,K & L ~ PLANNING DIRECTOR GRANTED a Planned Infill Residential Development Permit to George Wimprey, Inc., owner/permittee, to construct a Planned Infill Residential Development, located on the west side of Sixth Avenue, between Redwood Street and Quince Street, Uptown Connnunity Plan area, R-400 zone. PIRD Permit #88-0291 10-21-88 LOT C-F- PERMIT was APPROVED by ZA to SUNROAD PARK PLAZA, LIMITED, to RECONSTRUCT an eight-story, nonconforming office building in the event of fire or natural disaster where a RECONSTRUCTION PERMIT is required. with conditions. Located at 3033 Fifth Ave, CV-1 zone. C-20525 APR 6, 1990