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Development Services

Horton's Addn. Block 357 Card 1

HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 357 CARD 1.tif. li,ORTON 1 S ADDITION BLOCK 357 Lot E- Additbn to res at 3115 4th Ave, back 4 1 from C~ Maude Ramer 1 I ine 'granted to T Res 68212 9/13/38 Lot F- Permit to Caddie ES eldon to alter exist res at 414 Redwood St into a 4 unit apt bldg with side yd of 27" for portions of bldg (HOLC) Res 352 7/15/43 W 49'Lot F- Permit to Graham A Morton and Hans F Landt, owners and Dr Earle I Brodie, purchaser to construct a doctor's office on the NE cor of Redwood & 4th Ave with a 6 1 SB on 4th and with 81 sq 'of excess coverage or a total coverage of 63% Res 1150 & 1151 10/25/45 Lots J-L- Classificiation of use for Samuel Whiteside Tr & Geo Whiteside (by Geo L Barney Co, property mgrs) for wholesale I iquor distribution & storage Lots F exc 1 conj with perm only Res 108202 9/2/52 & 108699 W 49 1- Permit to Susie Jane Bldrs, Inc to maintain parking lot used in office bldg & bar on prop to the east in C Zone, Zone R-P, where parking lot is in conj with a perm use, on N side of Redwood St betw 4th & 5th Aves, cond'l Case 5832 7/26/63 Lot E- Permit to Paul Oxley to convert nonconforming rooming house for use as photographer's studio and living quarters; parking in front to obs O' front yard where parking is permitted in front yard adj to required landscaping abutting public street right of way; and to provide 105 sq ft. of landscaping where approx. 245 sq. ft. is required, at 3115 Fourth Ave. betw. Spruce St. and Redwood St. Zone CO C-10713 N.H. 8-25-71 Lot E- Permit DENIED by ZA to PAUL J. OXLEY, owner; THOMAS BEATY, purchaser, to convert existing structure to all offices and provide six parking spaces where one parking space per 300 sq. ft. of office is required, or eight spaces, at 1315 Fourth Avenue, Zone CO. C-17089 1-9-81