Horton's Addn. Block 358 Card 1
HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 358 CARD 1.tif HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 358 CARD 1 Lots K-L-. 4th & Spruce. R-4 (Ord 12987) suspended for service station to on 4th Ave Permit to Standard Station by Eug ne Glenn Res 62835 3/27/35 62834 Extending Service station to the P.l. DENIED 12/13/34 ,o the PL Lot G ~ DBNIED ~B suspension & zone Variance to Thomas Hester to erect a structure on the NW corner of 4th & Redwood, to contain a lithographing studio & living quarters with no SB on 4th Ave Res 49 & 498 1/13/44 Lot G- DENIED permit to Tom Hester (Foster & Kleiser to erect a standard poster panel on the NW corner of Redwood & 4th Res 655 7/6/44 Lots H-J- Permit to Foster & Kleiser & Dr John Kellog to alter two existing panels at 4th & Redwood Sts into a single streamlined panel, prov it is placed no nearer the front prop I ine than the exist panels Res 2033 2/14/47 Lot A- Permit to Ethel V Parker to operate- a hand laundry in the existing store building at 321 Spruce St on Zone R-4 subject to the following conditions: I. That the hours of work be confined from 7 AM to 8 PM;2. That no Sunday work be permitted; 3. That suitable window shades be installed in front of the ouilding; 4. The variance to be I imited to I from date of this resolution.!Granted by Res 75838 12/23/42 Lot A- Permit to Mrs Ethel V Parker to operate general business office at 321 Spruce St Res 2098 3/13/47 Lots H-J ~ Condi permit to J) & Virginia M Kellogg MD to erect medical bldg & parkng ~ lot, O'SB W side of 4th betw Redwood & Spruce Res 4597 4/19/50 Lot G- Permit to Dr Johl T Westwood to const office bldg with dental office on 1st fl & architect & engineer offices on 2nd NW cor 4th & Redwood Sts R-4, cond'I Case 1786 4/25/58