Horton's Addn. Block 368 Card 1
HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 368 CARD 1.tif HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 368 Lots G & H- Land C~nservation Pennit to Imperial. Contracting for 2 CARD #1 J.>- single-fam11.y h:s at 6-17-75 Fal.con St, 198-LC Lot G- Permit to Imperial Contracting Co. for a Land Conservation Permit for a house & garage, onr. Falcon St. 220-LC 8-1-75 Lot H- Permit to Imperial Contracting Co. for a Land Conservation Permit for house & garage, on Falcon St. Lots B thru J- Per~it to Imperial Contracting Lot J which direct access to ea lot is req, on cond 1 1 (AMEND 8-11-76 Y, d,. 11-6.. lftO ~ 221-LC 8-1-75 Co. to const 8 res's & prov access to pkg from Falcon St., betw Spruce & Redwood, Zone R-1-5, c-13201 12-4-75----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots A-L- Hillside Review Permit to Safino for private driveway, NW cor Falcon & Redwood Sts. 254-HR 12-30-75 Lot F & Por closed Redwood St adjacent- Fred R. Blecksmith Jr. to construct sing fam dwel o.bserving 4.' setback where 15 1 re9, located at Goldfinch & Redwood Streets, Zone R-1-5.,;,,-d_ ~ ~ /O-/s-77('--dH'-7,g_} C-13964 10-13-76--t' ~-&:, t...f-16-'?/ (io-J.4-l"IJ ~o~-no-.0.'.:) EXTENSION OF TIME EXPIRES 4-10-84 w.. (4-27-83) ~._t C% ~ ~f L-j- l O 8 3 (b- ~-& lj f?';/ ~ 7'-/C-8 '? ~~-$'-g- I?'/)