Horton's Addn. Block 375 Card 3
HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 375 CARD 3.tif HOI\TON 1S ADDITION BLOCK 375 ~ Lot L- Permit APPROVED to Midtown lnvestors,Ltd. to constr. of a four-story 15-unit condo structure observing (1) a 20 1 rear yard where 21 1 is required; (2) retaining walls in rear yard ranging in height from 6 1 to 11 1 & observing at closest point 10 1 rear yard where a maximum of a 6 1 high fence or wall is permitted in the required rear yard (cond) C16777 5/20/80 Lot 375- Permit was APPROVED by ZA to CHARLES W. AND WINIFRED R. SHUEY to construct a single-family dwelling over an existing three-car garage with laundry in the R-1-5 Zone (which is the parking for four units on the same lot but zoned R-4); (1) single- family dwelling to observe 31 interior side yard where 4 1 is required (this portion of the lot is zoned R-1-5); (2) dwelling to result in.63 Floor Area Ratio where maximum.6 is pennitted; (3) Hillside Review Permit required, at 3256 Reynard Way, Zone R-4, RR, R-1-5. Conditions. Ely 40 1 of Lot C and all that por, of C-17918 2-4-83 Lot J, lying westerly of the northwesterly line on Reynard Way (CONTINUED ABOVE) Lot K- ZA considered the request of LEONA P. SHEETS to constr 2nd-story containing one unit above existing triplex; 1) unit to obs 5 1; & 2) provide 20% of front yd in land- scaping where min. of 40% is reqd at 3270 Reynard Way, Zone R-400 (HR), & has DENIED as requested but APPROVED a 2nd-story addn observing 15 1 side yd. with stairwell observing 5 1 front yd & providing it be landscaped as shown on approved plans dated 3/13/85. C-18704 2/8/85