Horton's Addn. Block 379
HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 379.tif HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 379- "'Sc, S 20 1 Lot B N 30' of Lot C- Permit to John C and Catherine V Deardorf 1745 W Montecito Way to build res and gar on lot with 6 11 side yd for gar adj to gar on adjoin prop and rear yd for res not less than 10' Variance to Ord 12987 Res 74726 7/29/41 St clsd adj to Lot L all Lot L N 29' Lot K- Permit to Joseph N Maguire to const sin fam res & gar on parcel R-1 Zone 89' frontage on Albatross s-652 12/24/59 S 21' of Lot K N 30' Lot J- Permit to Clemens W Stose & 1st National Bank, Trust to maintain as permitted under R-1 Zone 51' on Albatross s-653 12/24/59 St clsd adj & Lot L N 29' Lot K- Permit to Robt C & Gertrude B Hird to const sin gam res with attch gar obs 16' rear yd (20' req) 311 W Thorn St R-1 Zone cond'I Case 3245 4/4/60 LoM_& Por C t-iPermit for room addn & deck- 3245 Brant St, to Dave SlmLth. T. conserva on Permit- L BL a.6' -----.;;;,--:.:;:,11.r,;r,;r,;;r.;;.;.a-,,;;~.:r=..:z.r=-210:LC-.;; __ 7 J,_ 72________________ Por. Loe C & All Lot D- APPROVED req of Burton H & Betty J Bartlett to erect 90T of blk wall 5' hi in ht on top of exist max 41 hi retain wall & to obs O' front yd where lll8X 3' hi retain wall W/3' hi open fence on top thereof perm in req 15' front yi; 3233 Brant St. betw Spruce & '!horn Sts, Zone R-1-5; Cond'l,-------------------------------------------------------C:ll1k1----lt8t~---------------- Lot F- Hillside Review Permit to Bartlett for house, 3200 blk Brant St.. 274-HR 3-24-76 Lot F- Tabled- Bartlett- Height of house DENIED C-'13,610 6-7-76-------------------------------------------------------------------------