Horton's Addn. Block 385
HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 385.tif HORTON 1 S ADDITION BLOCK 385 Lot A- Operate Tea-room at res 402 Spruce St Permit to A.L. Preston Res 47369 10/1/28 E Lots E & F- Condi permission to Ors F.H. Fehlmann & C Tancredi to construct med clinic observing O' sideyards O'. rearyd 420 Spruce Case 315 3/2/56 R-4 zone E Lots E & F- 6 mo ext to Ors Fehlmenn & Tancredi on Case 315 ABOVE Case 315 E 9/14/56 E Lost E & F- second & FINAL 6 mo ext to Drs Fehlmann & Tancredi ABOVE 2/27/57 E 39-7' Lot B & E Lot C- Permit to (Par I) Merrill & Higbee (Par 2) to alter exist doctor's office bldg obs O' rearyd O'sideyds & covers 73% of parcels Por of office proj into P.ar 2 where1;i;l-'sideyd & 10' rearyd is req & 50"/o coverage is perm 3251 4th be.,1w Spruce & Thorn S ts Zone R-4 cond I Case 5893 7 /31 /63 Lots E & F- Permit to Drs Frederick H Fehlmann, Chester Tancredi & William K Tisdale to const two addns to exist professional bldg obs O' side yd and O' rear yd (See C-315) with 1. Rear Addn obs O' rear yd where 10' as req; 2. To permit 8 1 of landscaping betw SB line and public sidewall (consisting of 4 on private prop & 4 1 on public right of way) on the 4th Ave frontage, where 10' of landscaping is req' 3. Furnish two parking spaces 4 distance from front prop line where parking must be behind req 10' landscaping area 3201 4th Ave NE cor of intersctn with Spruce St Zond R-P Amended 10/3/68 Case 8371 10/27/67