Horton's Addn. Block 386 Card 1
HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 386 CARD 1.tif HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 386 Card #1 Lots D-F- Permit to Max Maisel to make an add & convert an exist structure 32~th,, into a duplex with a 2'4" sideyd and subject to compliance with the Bldg Dept re.u,_ Res 966 6/7 /45 7V Lots D-F- Penr'ni.t to Max Maisel to construct a 9 1 xi 81 add to a non-conforming bldg which has a 2' side yd 3225 5th Ave addn to maintain the req yd spaces and to be used as por of I iving guar Res 1528 S/9/46 Lots D-F- Permit to Max Maisel to make 24'xll' add to nonconforming bldg with approx 2~ side yd 3225 5th Ave add to maintain same side yd as exist bldg and to be used, as I iv gtrs Res 1742 9/12/46 Lot J & S 10' Lot K- Permit to Fay M Goodwin, operator & A I Medaris, owner, to oper Dance Studio condl Res 1782 9/26/46 Lot J & S 10' Lot K- Condi permit to Kathryn B Medearis, to alter a por of exist gar & storage room to bath 3' rear yd & 0' side yd 3280_ 6th Ave Res. 3915 6/6/49 Lots G-J & S iO' Lot K- Permit to Union Title Ins, owner & Prof Dr Bldg of S.D. (A A Stadmiller) to const med bldg with 3' SB NW cor 6th & Spruce, condl C-933 12-27-56./ Lots G-J & SIO' of K- Permit to Union Title, own 40 unit apt bldg with 3' SB on 6th Ave. condl & Irving Salomon, pur to const 2 story C-1331 8-2-57 ABOVE C-1331 amended to const 35 units (3 stories & penthouse) 8-27-57