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Development Services

Horton's Addn. Block 390 Card 1

HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 390 CARD 1.tif HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 390 car.a.~~ Lot B- Zone R-1 Permit to John C Schlappi 3353 2nd Ave to erect an add to a. ~ 1 with 0 1 side yd Res 64826 8/18/36 Lot B- Permit to \.1arren H & Dorothea Day to construct 12/x13/ bedroom add to rear of single fam dwell with portion of exist bldg obs 0' side yd where 3' is req 3353 2nd Ave R-2 APPROVED Case 5157 8/20/62 Lots I- L- Permit to Dr Albert B Klug to cnst Medical Dental Bldg on par; accessory uses on ground fl will total 676 s2' wher max 283 sq' is perm; 52 pkngspaces to be provided on par, 7 spaces to be less than 180 sq ' or partially obstructed; por of pkng will be less than 10' from f~ont pl & porwill be in req 10' planting strip on both 3rd Ave & Upas St; pkng areas on Wly & Slu sides adj to res prop to obs O' distance to 6 1 wall on pl, where] imited medical & dental offices with pkng on same or adj lot under same ownership; no pkng within 4 1 of adj res prop; no park area in 10' plant strip; no park or park area within 10' of front pl: 5% total grnd fl area ior ace uses is perm; 10' planting strip; 1 off st park space min size 180 sq ' for each 300 sq ' gross fl area is req SW cor of Upas St & 3rd Ave R-4 Zone(Lot I) R-P-i-A (Lots J-L} condl See L-13 Case 6306 3/6/64 Lot,H- Request of Dr Albert B Klug TABLED to develop as a customer parking 1 ot for / medical dental bldg located immed adj on Lots 1-L where parking as accessory use to permitted principal uses is permitted 3320 Jrd Ave betw Upas & Thorn Sts R-4 C.U.P. Case 7996 1/16/67 Lots 1-L- Permit to Dr Albert Klug to Const approx 14'x31' second story addn to exist medical dental bldg that obs 0' rear yd; addn to obs O' rearyd where 10' rear yd is r,;q.:(See Case 6306) 3330 3rd Ave betw Upas & Thorn Sts R-P-1-A Case No 7997 1/24/67