Horton's Addn. Block 391
HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 391.tif ILOCX 391 Lot Q- Z.A. baa cou14erecl tbe appl at Cbarl.N lay cona141De 'fbal.ia u JoiDt,e~ta a.a If~ baon Cou14iae u Joillt!enanta to cou111r tvo-tory office builcliag (l) ob 1 16 t 14 yd vben 10' is nu (2) prov14iag ten-816" x 20 parking paoea aa4 3 a-.U car parkia& pace were 16 pacea an:req; 3 pace to ob O' tront ya 011 lecoad.... VHN parking-.t 'be locatecl beDial Nq laalcapla&; a.a (3) to provide planing trip nagiag in vidta trca o to 22'10" equal to 650 fl n.,...re 11'00 fl ft. 1 req; ainiaul 5' iD deptb alao req at 3300:Ilk SecoG4 Ave be'l:v!borD st a.a 1JpU It. ZOlle CO u4 w (l) Dill.ID u req but.APPROVBD 5' trnt 14 yart (2) DDDD (3) DDllD c-10533 6-1~-Tl---------------------------------------------------------~-------------------------------Lot G- Permit to Bert Randall to const a three-story oJti~; bldg obs an 8 1 street side yard on Thorn Street; (2) landscaped strip to measure_;i.C):(Ne for length of 20 1; (3) land- scaping to measure 793 sq. ft. and (4) ret wall in Jftf's.ide yard to be 7.5 1 high. NW corner of Second Avenue and Thorn. CO Zone. Condi ddri~;' C-15398 NH. 8-28-78.