Horton's Addn. Block 397 Card 2
HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 397 CARD 2.tif,,.,..- HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 397 Car. (Cont. from Card #1) (Bart Baron) 1--,) prop. line on Dove St. at southeast cor. Upas St. & Reynard Way, Zone R-4 and has made' < fol lowing decision: (1) APPROVED, per revised plans sub. 6/11/71; (2) APPROVED 28' of retain wall, max, ht. of 5' obs. O' setback on Dove St. per revised plans sub. 6/11/71; (3) DENIED: 10 parking spaces, but APPROVED 2 parking spaces obs. 8 1 setback on Upas St. & O' setback on Dove St; (4) APPROVED elimination of landscaping on Dove St. provided all cut and fill ~es onsite are landscaped; Conijl.._(_,5:~'3::~~~~~)S7~)__________________________ C-]048]______________ 6-]871___________ Lots K & L, and Por of St closing- Z.A. considered request of Bart Baron to constr a ten unit apt bldg providing ten off-street parking spaces wnere 13 are req, at 3375 Reynard Way betw Tnorn St and Upas St. Zone R-4 and nas DENIED as req bur APPROVED amended appl to constr ten unit apt bldg providing a minimum gf 13 parking spaces, 3 of wnicn may be in tandem; and to permit two-36' side driveways on Reynard Way. Cond'l. c-11516 10-16-12-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fraction Lot E- (See Also Lot 15, Block. 4, Osborn Hill) and Pors Eagle Street closed. Permit to Westam Development to building obs a 12' front yard. 3320 Reynard Way. const a 9-unit apt complex with a portion of the front R-4 Zone. Conditions. C-15177 NH. 5-22-78.