Horton's Addn. Block 414
HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 414.tif HORTON'S ADDITIOlf BLOCK 414 " Beg. at NE cor ot Blk 414; thence So. 84.10J; thence W 70'; thence NEly to a (l pt 60 W ot beg thence E to beg, including part or Upas St. closed- DENIED permit to Cornelius c. & Ethel N. Clarlc to alter an exit sing fam res at.3404 Front St. to duplex Res. Ho.2200 4-24-47 ------------------------------- I-------- Beg at NE cor ot Blk 414; thence So. 84.101; thence W 70 1; thence NEly to a pt 60 1 W of beg; ~nee E to beg, inc part ot Upas St. closed- APPEAL DENIED to permit Cornelius c. & Ethel N. Clark to alter an exist sing tam res at 3404 Front St. to duplex Res. No.85975 5-13-47-------------------------------------------- Portion Blk 414- AGREEMENT with SANDRA B. PHELPS to maintain sink on lower level of existing three-story, single family dwelling at 3415 Albatross Street, Rl-5000 zone. AGREEMENT #3170 10/1/84