Horton's Addn. Block 438
HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 438.tif /',;,,' ' HQRTOlf' s.ADDITIOfl BLQCI 438 Lota 13 & 14 (Parcel B, DP 220)- Per.m:l.t to Richard s. & Leona E.,all to (7 (1) Erect approx 55' or 5' high solid 'WOOd rence enclosing svian:lng pool, encro 81 into Nq 101 st side yd (2) erect approx 101 or concrete wall with a ux height or 4' along steps, encro 101 into req 101 st sidqd; (J) erect approx 24' of concrete wall 111th max height of 5' along drive way, encro 121 into req 15' rl'ODt yd; where max 3' high wall or fence 1 perm in req 101 at side,d and req 15' tomt yd at 1302 West Walnut St., NW cor lit & w. Walnut Sta., Zone R-1-5. Case #8712 N.H. 5-29-68-----------------------------------------------------