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Horton's Addn. Lockling,Db 13pg522 Block 121

HORTON'S ADDN. LOCKLING,DB 13PG522 BLOCK 121.tif HORTON'S ADDITION LOCKLING DB 13PG522 BLOCK 121 Lots G and H- PLANNING DIRECTOR APPROVED Sidewalk Cafe Permit request of PIONEER WAREHOUSE LTD., OWNER; BREWSKI GASLAMP PUB, LESSEE, to establish a sidewalk cafe (Brewski 1 s Gaslamp Pub Sidewalk Cafe) encroaching into the public right of way where such use is permitted by Sidewalk Cafe Permit only, located onthe northwest corner of Fifth Avenue and "K" Street, at 310 Fifth Avenue, Gaslamp Quarter Planned District, Centre City San Diego Interim Development and Design Ordinance Area, Airport Approach Overlay Zone. Conditions. 92-0114 3/13/92