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Development Services

Horton's Purchase (Ex-Mission Lands) Card 4

HORTON'S PURCHASE (EX-MISSION LANDS) CARD 4.tif HORTON'S PURCHASE (Ex.-Mission Land.a)..)Iii JO '..- CWl #4 Por Lots 2, 3, & lJ- to Harry R. Clingman, owner, to const & oper a 189-unit \\ trailer park with incidental. c0111119rcial, recreational, and storage facilities, located Nly or Fairmount Ave. & WlT of Euclid Ave., being a por or Lots 2, 3, & 13 Horton's Purch. (Ex.-Mission Lands) in the R-1-5 Zone. C.U.P. Case No. 6588 8-20-64---------------------------------------------------------------On Parcel No. 2, Parcel Map 8984, a portion of the Mil of Lot 13- Permit approved by ZA to Robert A. MillsOp to construct a garaJe and storage room addition on an existing slab to an existing single-family dwelling; addition to observe al' interior side yard where 4 1 is required, at 1975 Hazelwood Pl. Zone R 1-5. c16682 4/28=/~80~--- Lots 12, 19: Extension Of Tim~ ZA Approved the extension of time to City of San Diego, Owner; Sunshine Pony League, Lessee to operate two Pony League baseball diamonds including concession and storage building, toilet building, fences, etc. Located at north side of Federal Blvd (4300 Block). east of existing Little League Field, Zone Rl-5000- r1ap 283, conditions f~;