Horton's Purchase Ex-Mission Lands Lot 66 Card 1
HORTON'S PURCHASE EX-MISSION LANDS LOT 66 CARD 1.tif HORTON'S PURCHASE EX-MISSION LANDS LOT 66 CARD # 1 '-lq Por NE Por Lot 66- Permit DENIED to Walter Mallett to erect sin fam res on par served by ease to 47th St. (N of W 6 acre of NE) approx 600' W of 47th St. Res. 6759 9-2-52 Por- Z.C. dee OVERRULED on Res. 6759 ABOVE to Walter Mallett. CC I 08873 10-23-52 Por- Permit to Fred J & M Dorothy Jirsa to maint exist chicken ranch, 1344 So. 47th St., condl Res. 7661 8-19-53 Por- Permit to Irene Stroud & T.W. Bradley, owners & R.L. Stroud, lessee to oper full time sign painting business in exist gar at 1412 So. 47th St. Res. 8424 8-18-54 W 300' of E 671.68 1 of S 135' Lot 66- Permit to Ray A. & Clara A. Trebil to const I iveroom addn to exist res on par without dedicated st frontage, 1605 So. 46th St. Res. 8561 10-27-54 NIOO' of S of NW of Lot- Permit to Paul Latta, 130l So. 45th St. to all 16' x 48 addn to commercial chicken house. Res. 74856 8-12-41---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------