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Development Services

Horton's Purchase Ex-Mission Lands Lot 70

HORTON'S PURCHASE EX-MISSION LANDS LOT 70.tif HORTON 1 s PURCHASE.OF EX-MISSION LANDS Lot 70 N 189.9 of E 125' of W 438' of Lot 70- Permit to Arthur G & Pearl G- ')-rz Lewis to operate retail nursery at.own resid., 4566 Delta St., Res. No. 2479 8-27-47 Permit DENIED to Joe & Allen Riggs to store temp bldgs. in process of being moved to N side of Fisher St., 619.68 1 W of 47th St. Res No. 5801 8-22-51 z.c. SUSTAINED dee. of Joe & Allen Riggs cc 103613 9-6-51 Por Permit to Martin L & Enid Gleich to constr & maint storage & constr yd & offices on N side of Lake Murray Blvd approx 2000' NE of Lake Atlin Dr interim R-1 for 1 yr to expire 8-24-60. C-2737 8-14-59 Por Permit to Martin L & Enid P Gleich to maintain storage & constr yd & bldgs. & maint double-faced free-stand 8 x 24' sign & 3' x24' directional arrow on top of shed in yd, N side Murray Blvd., 1000' NE of San Carlos Dr, R-1 Zone, for 1 yr, to expire 1-31-62. caae No. 3798 1-20-61