Horton's Purchase Lot 13 Card 1
HORTON'S PURCHASE LOT 13 CARD 1.tif HORTON'S PURCHASE LOT 13 CARD# I 1 N of SEt of Lot 13- Permit to Charles Decker, 1740 47th St. for a period of 6 montha to conduct a dump at 47th st., north of Federal Blvd., expires 11-8-40. Res. n322 5-8-40 Por 46 ac Ex-Mission Lands- Condl permit to Harry R. CL1ngman to rebuild exist 144 sq ft sign to lignted sign 16 sq ft larger, Fairmount & Cbollas Rd. 1951 47~h St. Res. 4337 12-14-49 Por Lot 13, Tentative approval to L.M. Klauber & Martin L. Ito, owners & L.R. Hubbard & Wallace Walter, pur to erect & operate trailer park approx 202 trailer units on Ex-Mission Rancno & por Lot O, Encanto, SW cor Imperial Ave. & 63rd. St. Res. 6750 8-20-52 Por Lot 13 & Por Lot O, Encanto- Res of property use for above Res. subj to appr of granding & drainage plans. Res. 6752 8-20-52 Por Lot 13- & por Lot O, Encanto- ABOVE Res. for L.R. Hubbard & W.A. Walter granted 6 months ext to Res. 6752. Res. n18 1-21-53 Por Lot 13 & Por Lot O, Encanto- Res. 6750 ABOVE for Hubbard & Walter, ext 6 mo. Res. n19 1-21-53