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Horton's Purchase Lot 16 Card 4

HORTON'S PURCHASE LOT 16 CARD 4.tif HORTON 1S PURCHASE LOT 16 card S of SE (exc S 180')- Condi permit to Our Redeemer Lutheran Church to erect 41 xl2' sign, with 5' gross, back of SB line 1370 Euclid Ave R-1 Case 989 2/l /57 Por lot l,6_c- Permit to Our Redeemer Lutheran Church to const 2' to 6 1 highretaining wall with 3' chain link fence on top observ 0' SB from Beech St (15' req and 3' high fence back of SB perm) 1370 Euclid Ave SW cor Beech St R-1 Case 4005 4/14/61 Por Lot 16- Permit to Mrs Juana Hernandez to erect approx 75' of 4 1 high chain I ink fence obs 0' R-1-5 front yd where 3' high fence is perm in req 15' front yd 4920 A St Por Lot 16- Permit to SD Gas & Elec Co purchaser & to erect electric sub-station Nly car Fairmount Ave,, (-2..A,vc 1--n:i M,ss,-.w lo, Case 8873 NH 9/16/68 Elwood & Alice MerrLll, owners & Al dine Dr Res 6708 8/20/52 /...\oS (' lt'" f\ \._ 1,