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Development Services

Horton's Purchase Lot 29 Card 1

HORTON'S PURCHASE LOT 29 CARD 1.tif LOT 29 It, card 1 N of SE- Euclid, Market & Broadway I yr to 9/11/34 Permit to Harry Berger Res 66466 9/7/37 extends for 6 mos R-1 Ord 35 suspended for auto wrecking for Box 550 Route I Res 60699 9/11/33 continuation & ext of time DENIED Res 67287 Res 69549 6/27/39 extends for 2 yrs (exp 6/27/41) and to cease operation and clear the premises Res 74404 dated 6/17/41 grants ext of 90 days for 6/27/41 ine which to move his auto whrecking yd at 1040 Euclid Av: Res 75576 again extends for 6 mos from 11/18/41, the order to move Res 75579 recinds Res 75576 and petition is DENIED on the ground that the Council has lost jurisdiction in the matter 11/18/41 Permit DENIED Harry Berger for auto wrecking yd Res 78682 4/14/42 N of NE- Permit to William McGrath to build & operate a Commercial Chicken Raising establishment at 1258 Euclid Ave for a period of 5 yrs from date of res Res 902 4/12/45 N of NE & S of SE of Lot 16- Permit to Charles Wm McGrath to div two five acre parcles of land (total JO acres) into 4 2-acre parcels of land 1200 blk on Euclid prov prop is dedicated for widening of Euclid & ext of A St Res 1131 4/1/46 E 230' exc E 30' St of N 100' of S of NE- Permit to Wm and Bertha Kucher to const a sing fam res on a par IOO'x200' with JOO' of st frontage on Euclid W side of Euclid 1300' S of Federal Res 2531 9/24/47