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Development Services

Horton's Purchase Lot 34

HORTON'S PURCHASE LOT 34.tif HORTO~'S PURCHASE LOT 3~ ~ NE- Permit to Ina M & F Hugh Smith to convert a second dwelling into a duplex 4285 Hilltop Drive Res 826 1/18/45 W 59' of E 379,10' of N 135,76' of NE- Permit, cnditional, to Frank Hugh Smith to construct a res on said parcel Hilltop Dr 4200 blk Res 2621 10/22/47 W 59' of E 320.I' of N 135,76'- CONDITIONAL permit to Frank Hugh & Ina M Smith to const single fam res on said parcel Hilltop Dr W of 43rd St Res3044 4/7 /48