Horton's Purchase Lot 36
HORTON'S PURCHASE LOT 36.tif <,, , HORTOR 1S PURCHASE LOT 36 1o E 100 1 of N 295'- Permit to Edw L Caseman to erect auto repair shop & yd to extend into R-2 zone approx 30' behind exist service sta 4095 Market Res 6503 5/28/52 E 100' of N 295 1- Cond'I permit to Hubert & ~arvey Baldridge to cnst auto repair shop to extend into R-2 zone, to be used in connec with a serv stain C zone 4095 Market St Res 8178 5/12/54 Por Lots 36 & 41- Permit to Auburn Insurance Agency, lnc,Martel Development Co, and Maren Investment Co, owners, to opera rock crusher and grade in accordance with the exhibit on file in the Planning Dept, on Mission Village Dr betw Friars Rd & Ronda Ave being portions of Lots 36 & 41, Rancho Mission of San Diego R-1 CUP 4192 8/2/61