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Horton's Purchase Lot 53 Card 1

HORTON'S PURCHASE LOT 53 CARD 1.tif HORTON I S PURCHASE LOT 53- ca rd 1 ")1 Por of NE- Permit to Western Mutual Corp to const 6 unit store bldg extending 6 1 into adj C-P zone,.to be offset by 6' of C zone for parking & to use 50'x80' par in adj R-4 zone for parking SW cor Churchward & Euclid cond'l Res 8773 3/2/55 Por- Permit to HA Hemphill to const comm bldg to extend 4' into C-P zone 5045 Churchward St C & C-P cond'l Res 9127 8/31/55 N 300' of E 270' of W 60'- Permit to Harry J & Irene A Vance to const addn to comml bldg to extend 4x10' int C-P zone 5039 lm~erial C-P, C & R-4 Case 349 3/16/56 S 50' of N 330' of E 120' of NE- CondkPermit to Douglas B & Mary C Miller to const med-dental bldg (offices) at NW cor Holly St & Euclid R-4 bldg to obs 5' SB on Euclid Ave and 0' SB from new prop line on Holly St Case 1117 4/8/57 S 52' of N 330' of E 120' of NE- Dr Douglas B & Mary C Miller & Western Mutual Corp, owners, & Gladys Bradley, purch WITHDREW PETITION to adjust lot line by adding 2' to N side of lot, NW corner Euclid & Holly R-4 Case 2130 11/7/58 W 60 1 of E 300' of N 300' of NE - Permit to Frank & Phi 11 ip Russo, lessee & Chas & Pauline R Bertolino, owner, to complete alteration convert exist bldg to wholesale & retail bakery & operate with max 3 members of firm, 2 trucks, 3 employees, 6 h.p. 5041-43 Churchward St C-P & C cond' I Case 3287 4/22/60 Por- kn0Wn as Johnson Tract- Permit to Los Angeles Presbytery (St Andrews Presby. Church) to const 5 1x8 1 sign, 18'' above the ground, in SB area on.,,Euclid Ave 210 S Euclid Case 1459 10/11/57