Horton's Purchase Lot 53 Card 3
HORTON'S PURCHASE LOT 53 CARD 3.tif liol\ToN1s PtiacHABE '-~: RARcito Miisiolf..: IiJr ~53 (d> <~/if,:,,.,-0,, t?lh0 .:. .. ..-trii.Ji__?:;; W B,i=f1JC:_~~~~1:tf:rWi::_:~~:_:_~-~~------------------~~=~~:____________ Por.- Permit DENIED to Charles I .l:lertolino, owner, and Brooks Huffman, C. w. Dean, M. Thom- as, lessees, to maintain (1) one double-faced, 6 1 x 101, 13 16" high post mounted, indirect lighted ID sign advert "Huf.t'man1 s.l:lar-B-Q", located approx 50' back from st; sign obs 0 1 side yd & 121 dist from front prop line; (2) one double-faced, 41 x 101, 111 high post mount.. ed, unlighted ID sign for 11Dean 1 s R~cord Shop" and Mell 1 s ~weet Shop", located approx 50 1 ' back from st; sign obs 01 side and front yds, where no signs are perm in GP ~one, at 5037 Churchward St., SW cor Churchward St. & Euclid Ave., ~one CP, C and R-4.- Case No. 8827 8-28-68--------------------------------------------------- Por Lot 53- Permit to Tom & Sumiko Yanagihara to erect 480 1 of 6 1 high fence with 3 strands of barbed wire on top to obs a 0 1 front yd on Holly Street at 5003 Imperial Avenue. R-1-5 Zone and CA Zone. Conditions. C-14705 NH. 10-4-77. Lot 53, Map 283, FAITH CHAPEL CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST- (1) to construct a church in the Rl-5000 zone where such use is permitted by CUP only; (2) to provide 90 parking spaces where 136 spaces are reuqired; (30 to construct a church 39'-0" in height where 30'-0" is permitted, Northwest corner of Lot 53, located at 4999 Holly Street, Zone Rl-5000. APPROVED with conditions C-19368 4/3/87