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Development Services

H.P Whitney's Addn Block 45 Card 1

H.P WHITNEY'S ADDN BLOCK 45 CARD 1.tif H. P. WHITNEY'S ADDITION BLOCK 45 Lots 45 & 46- Permit to Lillie T. Jones to convert exist 20'2" and batn. garage now obs O' interior side yard wnere 3' is req. 3otn St and 31st St. Zone R-4. Condl. C-10626 x 18 12 11 garage to bedroom at 3086 Logan Ave betw 8-3-n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 45 & 46- Permit to Lillie T. Jones to convert exist 20' x 18 12 11 garage to bedroom and batn. garage now obs O' interior side yard wnere 3' is req. Zone r-4. AGREE #1700 8-13-n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 35- Permit APPROVED by AZA to JUAN & GUADALUPE MACIAS to construct a second-story addition over an existing single-family home which observes a 2 1-31' side yard where 4 1 is required; addition to also observe a 2'-3" side yard, located at 3044 Logan Avenue, Zone R-2. Condition. C-18142 NH 7-25-83 Lots 36-38- ZA has APPROVED the request of Ml'. ZION MISS ONAR I Y BAPTIST CHURCH- To con- struct approximately 39 space parking lot where such use is permitted by CUP only at 3052 Logan Ave, Map 168, MF-3000 zone, w/cond. C 19815 2/12/88