Hunter's Addn. Block 1 Card 2
HUNTER'S ADDN. BLOCK 1 CARD 2.tif HUNTER Is ADDITION BLOCK l . Lots 13, 14, 15 & W Lot 16- Permit to Cfunsuelo s. Irwin to erect fence ~gh in SB on E side prop, 3456 Valle Res No. 6434 4-30-52 Lots 43-44- permit to Archie &Maudell Wooten to use exist nerly const sing fam res as model home & sales off at 511 S 34th St., R-4 & C, condl. Case 3629 l0-6-6o AMEND to place sign 5' x 9' in frnt of model house at 505 S 34th St. Case 3629 ll-8-6o Ext of l yr, to expire 10-7-62. Case 3629 10-10-61 Lots 13, 14, 15 & wf Lot 16- permit to Consuelo S, Irwin to const 5' hi ret. wall with 3' hi ch lnk fence above in SB extending from exist 5' hi wall along west p,l. & to continue ret wall along W f l. varying in ht frm 5' to 2', with 6' hi ch lnk fence above resulting in fence approx 8' above aver adj grnd level where 3' hi fence is perm in SB & max 6 1 above aver adj grnd level is perm back of SB (See Res. 6434), at 3456 Valle Ave., Zone R-4 cond'l Case No. 5367 11/23/62