J.P. Christensen's Sub. Map 1054 Block 5 Card 02
J.P. CHRISTENSEN'S SUB. MAP 1054 BLOCK 5 CARD 02.tif J.P. CHRISTENSEN'S SUB. MAP 1054 BLOCK 5 Card /12. Lot 14 & S90' or ElO' of 13- Permit to Alexander & Anetta Eckert to maint exist chain link fence on east property line ranging in ht fran 3' to 5'- the 5' hi portion of fence encroaches approx 6 1 6" into req 15' front yd where wall or fence may not exceed 3' in ht at 3050 Elm St. betw Fern & 31st St., Zone R-4 (Lot 14). C-9491 9-23-69 East 1/2 of Lots 1 & 2- ZA DENIED request of Jose de Jesus Garcia Nuno, owner; Timothy & Barbara Houlton, purchaser, to maintain an existing dwelling unit on lot with another dwel 1 ing; dwel 1 ing observes 0'-011 interior side yard and is 4'-0" away from the main dwelling where a 4 1-011 interior side yard and a 6 1-011 separation between dwellings is required, and observing a 0'-0" rear yard where 15'-0" is required, at 3041- 41 1/2 Fir Street, Zone R-1500. c-18517 8/3/84