J.T Corcoran's Addn. Block 1
J.T CORCORAN'S ADDN. BLOCK 1.tif J. T. CORCORAN'S ADD. BLOCK l)0 Lot 17- Permit to H. N~amura (Mobilhome Corp.) to move a frame res from 2751 Frontier st. to Fay Ave., La Jolla, HM Res 1575 2-2-53 E 90 1 Lot 19- Permit to Walter J. & Exzilda Harvey to erect sing fam res, W side f'ay Ave. 50' S of Genter St. Res. 7357 4-29-53 Lots 11-15- Permit to Richard F. Booth, owner, to const & operate a 60 bed nursing home located at the NW 1 ly cor of Fa/ Ave. & rtushville St,, Zone R-2 CUP 5381 l-23-63 APPEAL 2-28-63- DENIED- PLANNING COMMISSION SUSTAINED 2-8-63 Lots 11-15- f:'ermit to Richard l. Bcoth, owner to const & operate a 60 bed nursing home located at the NW I ly cor of Fay Ave. &.rlushville St., Zone R-2 C-5381 1-24-63 Lot 6- Permit to Cloisters of La Jolla to develop as a supllementary parking lot to serve eaployees of the convalescent hospital across the alley to the east at 7201 Eads Ave. betw Rushville and Genter Streets in the R-2 Zone. Cond 'l. C-11213 5-24-72 Lot 1- AGREEMENT with MR. & MRS. MICHAEL STEVENS to convert a single car garage to a rec- reation room with 3/4 bath with outside access to be used in conjunction with the existing sauna (outside), at 817 Gentre Street, R-3000 zone. Agree II 3973 4/11/88