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Development Services

Kensignton Manor #1 Block 7

KENSIGNTON MANOR #1 BLOCK 7.tif KmSINGTON MANORH/ BLOCK 7 a ~~ Lot 4- Permit DENIED Mr. & Mrs. W~lter Bubel to add 7'-2" to front of exist ga~cated less than 70 1 from front p.l. which obs 1 1-7" side yard;aidn to obs 1 1-711 side yard, where 5 1 is req, at 4930 Marlborough Dr., betw East Canterbury Dr. & Norfolk Terrace, Zone R-1. Case No. 5821 7-25-63------------------------------------ABOVE APPEALED 7-29-63 and appeal was granted; decision of the Z.A. overruled & appellant's appeal is sustained. Case No. 5821 8-26-63--------------------------------------------------------Lot 5- Permit to James w. & Dorothy R. Barnes to const patio addn to rear of sing fam dwell obs 4, side yd where 5 is req; addn to obs all yd req, at 4936 Marlborough Dr., 250 1 N of East Canterbury Dr., R-1 Zone, condl. Case No. 6170 12-17-63----------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 18- Permit DENIED to Duane B. & Carol J. Dubke to const a two-story addn to exist dwell consisting of a two-car gar below with two bedrooms and bath above, addn to obs O side yd where 4 1 aide:,dis req, at 4921 Kensington Dr. betw Canterbury Dr. & Norfolk Terr., Zone R-1-5. C Case No. SJlJ 9-15-67 ABOVE Case No. 8313 APPEALED AND TABLED until new plans are submitted 11-8-67 Lot 15- Agreement with STEVEN AND KAREN ASHCRAFT to add a one-story master bedroom and full bath at the rear of an existing single-family dwelling; internal access via hallway with exterior access via french double doors at 4957 Kensington Drive, Zone Rl-5000. A-5570 5/3/93