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Development Services

Kensignton Manor #2 Block 15 Card 1

KENSIGNTON MANOR #2 BLOCK 15 CARD 1.tif KENS I NGToN MA-NOR No 2 BLOCK is CARD ul Lot 9- Permit to Norman Johr,son to build a rumpus room on gar which is approx 700 sq 1~ in area with 5 1 rear yd & no side yd 4963 Canterbury Dr Res 1211 12/6/45 Lot 21 &SEly 1,5 1 Lot 20- Permit to Clifford F & Bessie M Brooke to const an approx 14 1 x21 1 covered patio add with 3 1 side yd to res with attached lath house having 0 1 side yd 5058 Westminster Terrace Res 8243 6/9/54 Lot 17- Permit to William D. Lowery for a Home Occupation Permit to use hls garage as a temporary political campaing headquarters with storage of office supplies and bro- chures at 5090 Westminster Terrace. Zone R-1-5. Request DENIED. HO 3126. 10-19-77. BZA sustains AZA's decision 11-29-77.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 25A- Permit was consiqered by ZA to TERRY L. AND EDWARD R. MENDEZ to construct an 18'-1011 X 20 1-211 second story guest quarters addition over existing detached garage; existing garage observes, and addition will also observe, 11-611 interior side yard on south side where 4 1 side yard is required, located at 5026 Westminster Terrace, Zofne Zone R-1-5. DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED a guest house observing required yard. Conditions. CUP 18164 9-9-83 I.ot 9- Agree that Pat & Julie O'Connor rem::rl.el & enlarge master bedroan & add full bath w/eterior access & interior access thru hallway at 4963 Canterbury Dr. Zone Rl-5000. AGREE A3647 2-20-87