Kensignton Park Block 15
KENSIGNTON PARK BLOCK 15.tif KENSINGTON PARK BLOCK 15 5 g"'O Lots I & 2- Permit to Kensington Community Church to l!~f ~ty addn to ~st ch bldg to obs JI,5 1 rear yd (15' req) & cover Jot 68'/4 (60"/4 perm) at SE cor Marlborough & Alder R-4 Res 9390 2/1/56 Lots 20-21- DENIED kensington Community Church to const addn to exi~t ch youth bldg having 17' rear yd the proposed add to obs 17' rear yd Case 1283 7/1/57 Lots 20-21- Appeal of Kensington Comm Church denied & lA dee sustained Casel283 7/1/57 Lots 9-11- Permit to Rosamond Kanagy, owner & parking, driveway, & open yd extension for gas only perm C zone adj W 4142 Adams Zone R-C Standard Oil, Jessee, to use Jot for serv sta, where restricted comm uses cond'J Case 6561 7/6/64