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Development Services

Kensignton Park Block 24

KENSIGNTON PARK BLOCK 24.tif KENSINGTON PARK BLOCK 24 Lot 6- Permti to Fidelity Equity Corp to complete const of 7 unit apt house with req 7 parking spaces but with spaces obs 3' from front property line adj to 42nd St but 8 1 from curb where 18' from curb is req & with no landscaping betw front of bldg and front prop I i ne adj to 42nd St where 200 sq' is req 4545 Edgewa re Rd R-4 Case 7676 4/26/66 Lot 9- Permit to EDGEWARE ASSOCIATES was considered by ZA which was DENIED as requested but APPROVED construction of a two-story four-plex observing 6 1611 front yard on 42nd Street and reduced landscaping, at 4529 Edgeware Street, Zone R-2A. Conditions. c-16939 10-24-80