Kensignton Park Block 3
KENSIGNTON PARK BLOCK 3.tif KENSINGTOfilPARK BLOCK 13 \}.'lr..)-Lot 7- Permit to Harry Young to erect a Rumpus Rm over a gar with a SB 10' beyond the average of the two adjoining structures & a 3' side yd from adjoining property on S,.((1 4865 Edgeware Rd Res 1130 10/11/45 Lot 9- Permit to Richard J. & Lois J. Attig to install a bar sink in the garage at 4834 Biona Drive, Zone R-1-5. AGREE #2413 1-5-79 Lot 9- Permit DENIED to Richard J. & Lois J. Attig to construct a I-story accessory sturcture to observe a 2 1 int sideyd, but AP~R0VED a 2 1 front yard at 4B34 Biona Dr. zone R-1-5. Condtl. Case 15562 12/26/78 Lot 9- AGREEMENT to Richard J. and Lois J. Attig to maintain a sink in a garage, at 4834 Biona Drive, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2588 8-21-80 Lot 11, Map #1245- Agreement with Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bast to construct an addition to an existing single-family dwelling, said addition to consist of a second floor work area over a new, attached, garage with a bathroom and separate access provided by stairs from the first floor. 4833 Edgeware Road, Zone R-1-5000 A-3701 04-27-87 ~---~