Kensignton Park Extension Block B
KENSIGNTON PARK EXTENSION BLOCK B.tif KENSINGTON PARK EXTENSION BLOCK B 1-' Lot 2, Variance requests #1-4 approved with condttions, 5 denied, BETTY FAUERSO requested to construct a detached 2-car garage at 4890 Biona Drive, Rl-5000 Zone D-21280 5-26-95--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 12, Block B, Lancaster Variance, Approved by DPM, PHIL AND KATIE LANCASTER, OWNER, Request to construct a two-story addition to a single-family resdent that observes a 5 1-211 setback on the first floor and a 12'2" setback on the second floor where a 15'-0" front yard setback is required, Located at 4808 Biona Drive, Rl-5000 Zone. 98-0943 11-18-98----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------