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Development Services

Kensignton Villa

KENSIGNTON VILLA.tif KiNSINGTON VILLA \v Lot 28- Permit to DE Wilson to erect a storage room above gara~e in R-1 zone, side yd 3' rear yd 4 1 2821 Adams Res 66142 6/22/37 Lot 14- Permit to Max AF & Friedriche ~ollens to construct a J0'z20'5" add to gar with 2' 611 side yd 4515 Cope 1 and Res 7700 9/2/53 Lot 21- Permit to James D & Dorothy A Bentz to attach dwelling to gar on parcel with exist 52,9"/o coverage; addition to observe 18' rear yd Case 8307 9/27/67 lot 32- Agreerrent with Sanuel and May Lien Ho Nakanura to construct a one-story addition to an existing one-story, single-family <:M:!lling; said addition containing a master bed- roan, closet and full bath with exterior access and interior access fran an existing kitchen and pantry/storage roan at 4575 Vista Street, Zoned Rl-5000. l\gree. #4746 9/6/90