Kensington Park Annex Block A
KENSINGTON PARK ANNEX BLOCK A.tif KENSINGTON PARK ANNEX BLOCK A tr\ Lot 3- Permit to EM Ohre, owner & Gene James lessee, to oper tile shop, office & dis- play rm in fr 20' of bldg rear 30' for storage 4204 Adams Res 6342 4/2/52 Lot 2- Permit to zJohn Edward & Grayce Richardson to const sing fam res 2 units on lot 4718 B iona Dr Res 6347 4/2/52 Lots 3 1 4, & 5- a televisio,I sales and service company In the R-C Zone for E. M. Ohre. Res.#173298 11-1-62----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------