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Development Services

Kimball's Subd. Block 11

KIMBALL'S SUBD. BLOCK 11.tif.,., KIMBALL 1S SUBDIVISION BLOCK h > 1 Lots 41 & 42- Cond'; permit to George Wilson to const a two story res at 2470 K St & use basement for conduct of o,il heating business, installation & service only & for stge of e ui ment used in said business Res 1258 1/ /46 Lots 5 & 6 & i: 1 2/3' Lot 7- DENIED pennit to Chris Canta to,oper:ate a real estate off, with existing signs at 2481 J St Res 2192 4/24/47 Lots 5 & 6 & E 16 2/3' Lot 7- APPEAL SUSTAINED and Zoning Committee denial overruled to operate real estate office with existing signs at 2481 J St Res 85974 5/13/47 S 31' of N 80' Lots 23 & 24- Permit to Henri & Blanche Poteau to alter existing 4 unit apt with 30" side yd on S side 361 24th St condl Res 3677 1/26/49 Lots 39 & 40- Permit DENIED to Calixto Malta to re-open a grocery store in a two sty res at 2458 K 5 t Res 2594 10/22/47 Lots 39 & 40- Permit DENIED to Julia Malta to make alterations & repairs exist bldg or bldgs 2462 K St Res 5017 10/4/50 Lot 44- Permit to Salvador C & Ruth Sanchez to alter exist gar to bdrm & bath, bldg w,'2' side yd 2480 K St cond' 1 Case 142 7 /13/54 Lots 29 & 30- Perrn,it to John & Eulalia Buckley to const duplex, making tot of 7 units one exist sin res obs 0 1 side yd (3' req) 3 units served by 10' access ct (12 1 req) 2418 K St R-4 to obs all reg of State Housing Case 2500 5/15/59 Lots 33-35- to Willis A & Octavia Baker to move duplex on fr of par w/exist triplex mak tot of 5 dwell dupl to obs 13' SB on K (av of 15 1 611 req) 2438 K St betw 24th&25th R-4 Case 5094 8/3/62