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Kona Terrace Card 1

KONA TERRACE CARD 1.tif KONA TERRACE Lot 4- Permit to Lawrence p I obs 0 1 SB on Rosecrans and Sly sides obs 7' SB on crans St & 10' SB estab on fence in SB area is perm ~)C\Q., ~.,, CAf-D~ /ar," L & Gizela B Hody to const 6 1 hi ret writ along Elycy. of St then set in 7' and const 6 1 high ret wall along Ely both Rosecrans St & Kona Way where 15 1 SB is estab on Rose- Kona Way Total height of ret walls 12' where max 3' hi NW cor Kona Way & Rosecrans St Zone R-1 cond'I Case 6217 12/30/63 Lot 2- ZA considered AMENDED request of LYLE W. BUTLER to constr. a 3-story, SFD with (I) access to off-street parking across adjoining parcel where access to off-street parking must be directly from a public street or alley; (2) approx. 110' of retaining wall varying in height from 6 1 to 10 1 611 along the north & west property I ine where a max. 6 1 high wall is permitted; (3) garage observing a O' rear & side yd. where 4 1 is reqd.; & (4) resulting in bldg height of 31 1 where max. 30 is permitted at Kona Way cul-de-sac west of Rosecrans St., Zone Rl-5000, & after consideration of facts has APPROVED Item #1, #2, #3 & DENIED #4, conds. C-18541 9/14/84 Lot 2- ZA CONSIDERED request of HAROLD G. SADLER to construct a 3-story, SFD with (I) access to off-street parking across adjoining parcel where access to off-street parking must be directly from a public street or alley; (2) approximately 60' of retaining wall varying in height from 6 1 to 10 1 611 where max. 6 1 hi wall is permitted; (3) the garage to observe a O' rear yard where 4 1 is required; & (4) resulting in a bldg height of 37' where 30' is permitted, located at Kona Way cul-de-sac west of Rosecrans St., Zone Rl-5000 & after consideration of facts has APPROVED Item #1, #2 & #3, but DENIED Item #4, conds. C-18540 9/14/84