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Development Services

Koopman Subd. Card 1

KOOPMAN SUBD. CARD 1.tif KOOPMAN SUBD Lot 2- Z.A. considered appl of Union Oil Co., purcn & Harker Dev. Corp, own for perm to constr a service station witn (1) four light standards encroaching 81 into req 10' planting strip; (2) 1 free-standing sphere, revolving, interior illuminated, 7' in diameter, overall ht 25' ID sign, pole encroaching 8 1 into req planting strip and overnang encroaching 10' into req 10 1 planting strip; (3) two 3611 x 6011 price signs encroahing 10' into req 10' planting strip at the SE cor of Cypres St. & Bolton Hall Rd., in the C-lA Zone and has (1) APPROVED the 4 light standares to encroach 8 1 into ~he planting strip but no attachmen;s of signs or pennants are perm; (2) DENIED as req but APPROVED sign as req if pole is within SB area with sign partia}:ly overhanging the plantar strip; (3) DENIED. C-9400 6-30-69 Lot 3- Pennl.t to George Koopman, own & Creaser, Price Ins. Co., lessee to constr real estate off bldg w/building obs 10' SB on Sycamore Rd & eave overhang to bbs 7' SB & en- croach 3' into req 10' planting strip where no encro is perm on the SW eor of Sycamore Rd. & Frontage Rd., Zone C-lA. C-9915 6-16-70 Lot 3- Variance not needed for property at 213 Sycamore Road. C-18468 Lot 2- Variance sent to Development Planning for processing (TABLED). Property located at 120 Calle Primers. C-19583 4/16/87---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 3 and por.of 2- Appeal toboard of Zoning Appeals on Case #19899 was WITHDREW. 213 Sycamore Rd. CA Zone,Coastal Zone C-19899 5/24/88------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------