La Canyada Villa Tract Block 1
LA CANYADA VILLA TRACT BLOCK 1.tif ~ C #'> LA CANYADA i/ILLA TRACT f f> ~.l _,, BLOCK 1 LOT 10, conditional pennit to C. s. & Marjorie Dail to remodel 2nd floor of a store bldg. at 3850- 10th ave into 4 apts with 0 1 side yard and a lot coverage not to exceed 75% Res #227 1-21-4, s 59.15' fo the N 20.9 1 of Lot j and the a 35' of lot 12 cond 1l pennit to Keeneth L. and Maru Jeffrey to coniuct an upholstering business in an addition being made to an ex dwelling at 3842 8th ave. Res #1304 1-31-46 Lot 4 cond 1l pennit to Latter Day Saints Church, AB Samuelson pres., to oper paper shredder & baler in conj with welfare activity, 831 Univ. Rex 6444 5-14-52 Lot 4 Permit to Latter Day Sallits Church to con oper of paper shredder & baler at 831 Univ. Ave., cond'l Res# 9024 7-6-55 Lot 4, cond 11 approval for extension of l yr. on Res 9024. Case 1289 6-27-57 Lot 14- John & Elizabeth Westwood & John W, & Margo Bradford to maint,iin dbl-face 29" x 52" x 7611 high ID ground sign obs 0 1 front yd where 10 1 front yd is required & where wall signs only are permitted, at 3821-23 Eighth Avenue, betw University Ave. & Robinson Ave. Zone CN. C-12920 10-14-76