La Cresta Terrace Card 2
LA CRESTA TERRACE CARD 2.tif LA CRESTA TERRACE Lot 35- ZAAPPROVED request of E.W. & VIRGINIA T. DAVENPORT to constr. a house to the rear of an existing single-family dwelling at 3727 La Cresta with conds. C-19305.._ft:2__ detached guest Drive, Zone Rl-5000. 8/15/86 Lot 4- AGREEMENT with STEVE MANGANELLI to remodle existing lower (basement) floor with ex- sisting bar sink, full-bath 2nd bedroom & family room by replacing existing door with french doors and replacing existing wet bar with remodeled wet bar, having interior and exterior access, at 3939 La Cresta Terrace, Map 1852, Rl-5000 zone. Agree# 3999 5/17/88 Lot 9- Permit to Robert R. and Jennifer Heft to expand existing second-story of a single-family residence (1) to observe 0'-0" north side yard where 4'-0" is required (existing second floor observes O'-O"); (2) resulting in.607 floor area where.60 is permitted; and (3) eave to project 1'-0" beyond the property line where such projection is not permitted at 3963 La Cresta Drive, Rl-5000 zone, Lindbergh Field Airport Influence Area; with conditions. C-20538 04/27/90 Lot 27- Permit DENIED Item 2 APPROVED Items 1 and 3 with condition. Request of Willard.ind Joyce Trask, Under Family Trust, Owners; Adele Maroun, L:is:a: McManus and Catherine Kinzel, Lessees- to maintain a home occupation currently in violation, deviating from the following operational regulations: (1) two, nonresident employees employed at the residence, where only a resident of the premises is permitted to participate in a home occupation; (2) merchandise to b.e nicke.d uu at the residence, where such activity is required to take place off the premises; ano (continued)