La Jolla Alta #1 Map 6774 Card 1
LA JOLLA ALTA #1 MAP 6774 CARD 1.tif eo1'7~-S Lots 1 & 2- Permit to Tecnbilt Constr Corp. to const a sin fam dwell on eacn lot; dwell on Lot 1 to obs 5' interior side yd on nortn "side wnere 6 1 is req & dwelling on Lot 2 to obs 16 1 front yd wnere 20' is req on Castle Hills Dr betw Sandal Lane& Calle Vaquero Zone R-1-10, C-10197 NH 11-13-70 Lots 46,47,49,63- Permit to constr sin fam dwell on each lot; dwellings on Lots 46,47, & 49 to obs 51 interior sd yd wnere 6 1 is req, and dwelling on Lot 63 to obs 16 1 front yd on Calle camille where 20' is req; on Calle Alta, betw Calle Miramar & end of Cul- de-Sac, Zone R-1-10 C-10~84 NH 1-6-71 Lots 41 & 64- Permit to Tecn-Bilt Construction Corp to constr a sin ram dwell on each lot; dwell on Lot 41 to obs a 16 1 front yd and 16' rear nd where a 20' front and rear yd are req; dwell on Lot 64 obs a 16 1 front yd where 20' is req; on Calle Alta betw Calle Miramar and end of Cul-de-Sac; Zone R-1-10, C-10300 N.H. 1-22-71------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 15,16, & 17- Permit to Tech-Bilt Construction Corp. to constr. one single fam. dwell. on each lot obs. 16' front yd. where 20' is req. on Calle Vaquero bet. Castle Hill & Westknoll Drives, Zone R-1-10 C-10594 N.H. 6-23-71----------------------------------------------------------------