La Jolla Alta # 6 Card 1
LA JOLLA ALTA # 6 CARD 1.tif La Jolla Alta #6 Card #1 Y Lots 283, 284, 285- Agreement-Gar conv to Paul K. Tchang at 2075,2055, and 2025 Via Sinalda Zone R-1-20. AC 59 7-1-76 1 Cff(}'3~4~~{it=P1e11r;ri-1~I66e~foi-~~0:-rt;;p-.--t:,--u-s-e--3-~-;t-;-f-;r--~d-e-,--;~s--f~-;-;-p-;r-oc of I yr with sales off in garage on Lot 285 (AC-59) where such use must terminate 2 yr after recordation of final subd map, (Map recorded 7-17/76) at 2025,2055&2075 Via Sinalda, Zone ~~=-t~~--!~~~~?.:-:!J_:!~{_?:::.,:_-_7_!J_-':f.;~:.~~-Z:L~~~:~~;.~~---.?.f')J~t~z~~"ib~[Ji1}7_,.______ Lot 279- P~rmit to Maung H. and Lynne B. Aung to main approx 80 1x5 1 high wood and wire fenc1 obs a 1' fy,at 6030 Cardeno Drive in the R-1-20 Zone. Condition. C-14294 NH. 4-1-77. Lots 287, 288 and 289- Permit to The Tee Development Cor-p. to const a sfd with attached garage on each lot obs a 20 1 front yard at 5940, 5948 and 5956 Via Zurita. R-1-20 Zone. Condition. C-15428 NH. 8-22-78.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 296- Permit to Howard Wong to construct 14' X 21' guest quarters attach- ed to a detached garage on the same lot with existing single-family dwell- ing; guest quarters to observe 15' setback where 25' is required, 5949 Via Zurita, Zone Rl-20000, Map No. 7361______________-...1,.ug_~12102__ 3~/_7~/_8_6_____ Lot 281- AGREEMENI' with Roger & Kit Snoble to construct a single family ~lling contain_i.ng_-- a master bedroan suite with separateexterior and interior access fran a main hallway at 1 2125 Via Sinalda, Zoned Rl-20,000 AGREE#3897 12/30/87