La Jolla Beach Block 1
LA JOLLA BEACH BLOCK 1.tif f-:P. "':""'':"'-__,.,,.~"";.;.:.-.,,.--~-.-- ~~; LA J'OILA BEACH Lots 1,2, & 3 BLOCK 1 IJf/lf 4 un1 ts on ent1n Lot 3 & por of Lot 2 cindl permit to H.F. Carley to erect duplex, amking three lots 1, 2, t 3, located at NW cor Marine St & 'fyria.n st., Zone R-2 Res. #5104 11/1/50 Lots 4 & 5 and E 10' of Lot 6. Permit to L.H. Barber Jr. & Marbha. Barber, to erect an 8' hi fence along Ely side lot line, not to extend in front of setback line, to be Bo long, 2' of lattice on top of a 6 solid,- ~oard fence, at 450 Marine st. Zones R-1 & R-2 Res. #50t6 Lots l- 3 Permit to Harold F. Carley to erect gar 75 s4. ft. with 6' rearyd, NW cor Marine St. & T. ian Res. 6 1114 1 Lot exc Ely 10 ft., all of Lots 7 &, Wm. L. & Jane L. Canning to sell the City for street widening (Olivetas St.) the Wly 9.5 ft. of Lot 8, and to build two Fesidences on remaining 55,5l ft, cor lot to have 25.1 ft. frontage and next lot to have 30.4 ft. on Marine St. S-312 6/21/55 Lots"'T & 8 (por)- Permit DENIED to Wm. L. Canning to const 6 1 higll wall with O' SB at cor of Olivetas & Marine Sts., R-1, but 4' wall permitted. Res. 9235 10-14-55-------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------